Convert 8mm And 16mm Film To Digital


At last! You can finally do something exciting with those little plastic or metal reels filled with priceless nostalgia.

We regularly transfer 8mm and 16mm films to digital that are 50 to 100 years old, so don’t worry, your old movies are most likely still in good shape.

We took delivery of a brand new HD film transfer machine in 2020 and the results have been excellent overall. Our film machine produces laser guided, frame-by-frame, sprocketless transfers.

Your film will be digitized with a 2K overscan to ensure the entirety of the original film is captured.  The sprocket holes and frame lines are cropped out and we output the movie in 1080p HD to provide a ready-to-share file with the widest range of compatibility across all devices and screens. 

Your films will be professionally edited for color correction, scratch reduction, stabilization and proper frame rate.

Your 16mm and 8mm film transfers will be .mp4 format, a fully editable and universal format.

Cloud download is included for easy sharing with family via email. We can also provide you with a USB thumb drive or DVDs.

Most 8mm and 16mm films that we receive are silent but we can transfer magnetic sound on Super 8mm and optical sound on 16mm, when possible.

With our 8mm and 16mm transfer service, we can convert older film formats to digital, including films from weddings, graduations, holidays, a baby’s first steps and more. You’ll be able to relive those precious moments and save them for future generations to enjoy.

We are confident that you will be pleasantly surprised with the results!